Here you will find High Quality double sided Printed Circuit Boards. Solder masks make components assembly quite straight forward. All components are offered as an option.
The most affordable way to build the circuits for your panels.
Printed circuit board for annunciators. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer. Leds are connected with common anode.
Printed circuit board for 6 7-segments display. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by the customer. With this set is very easy cabling and installing displays on any panel which requires them.To be directly connected to SimIO 32 displays board. The...
Printed circuit board for backlighting dimmer. High quality fiber-glass single faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Very compact size. Format: kit to be assembled by customer. Circuit that controls the current by pulse width modulation (PWM). It can be connected to circuits with voltage from 5 to 12 volts DC,...
Printed circuit board for B737 EFIS panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.Same board is valid for pilot and copilot sides.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 MCP panel, Collins version. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards. It includes the circuit to install a concentric knob BANK ANGLE/HDG in an easy way.
Printed circuit board for B737 MCP panel, Honeywell version. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards. It includes the circuit to install a concentric knob BANK ANGLE/HDG in an easy way.
Printed circuit board for B737 Master Caution System panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.Same board is valid for pilot and copilot sides.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 displays source panel (DSP). High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.Same PCB is designed to be used for pilot and copilot sides. And you can use both 8 or 12-positions rotary switches.To be directly connected to...
Printed circuit board for B737 A/P A/T FMC panel. High quality double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components.Same PCB is designed to be used for pilot or copilot.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.Used for pilot, control of the following inputs:A/P switch A/T switch FMC switch Below G/S switch TEST 1 y 2...
Printed circuit board for B737 autobrakes panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Includes connectors and elements to build concentric shafts. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 chrono/watch panel (digital version). High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer. Same PCB is designed to be used for pilot and copilot sides.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 chrono/watch panel (mechanical version). High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer. Same PCB is designed to be used for pilot and copilot sides.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 radios (COMM, COMM v.2, NAV and ADF). High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Includes connectors and elements to build concentric shafts. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 audio panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Valid for both pilot and copilot sides. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 transponder panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for B737 cargo fire panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for Boeing 737 engines fire extinguishers panel. Including the circuits for the leds inside extinguishers levers. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for Boeing 737, 747 or 777 FMC panel. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.To be directly connected to SimIO boards.
Printed circuit board for RAFI 19 tactile switch. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by the customer. Shown price is only for the printed circuit board.
Printed circuit board to build a set that moves two rotative elements using concentric shafts. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer.
Printed circuit board for Bendix type autopilot and radios. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by customer. To be directly connected to SimIO boards.