The final touch for your panels. Get the most realistic look for your Flight Simulator cockpit with these LCDs and backlit buttons and panels.
Printed circuit board for 6 7-segments display. High quality fiber-glass double faced PCB with solder mask that makes very easy installing the needed components. Format: kit to be assembled by the customer. With this set is very easy cabling and installing displays on any panel which requires them.To be directly connected to SimIO 32 displays board. The...
6 digit 7-segments display. White. High bright. Size of each digit: 0,3 inches. Common cathode.
Rectangular standard amber led 5x2 mm. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
5x2 mm rectangular standard green led. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top standard green led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm round standard amber led. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top high bright white led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top high bright amber led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 180 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top high bright green led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top high bright red led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
3 mm flat top high bright blue led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
5 mm round standard amber led. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
5 mm round standard green led. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
5 mm round standard red led. Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.
Small tactile switch with warm white led included. Dimensions 6x6x7.2 mm Forward voltage: 2.8 vDC
Flexible strip of high efficiency warm white leds. Voltage: 12 VDC. 60 leds per meter. Price corresponds with one group of three leds.
5 mm high bright round white led Fed with 5-6 volts, needs a 470 ohms resistor.